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7 Reasons You Need a Sober Coach

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7 Reasons You Need a Sober Coach

A sober coach is a person whose job is to support your sobriety. If someone has personal experience with addiction, it is easier to empathize with and be passionate about helping someone else overcome addiction. Helping is rewarding for them.


A sober coach can assist in identifying potential issues early in the recovery process. They will support you along the way and assist you in creating a recovery plan that will be effective. A sober coach will ensure you stay sober no matter what life throws at you, similar to a fitness trainer pushing you to sweat.


There are seven reasons why you should work with a sober coach. Let’s look at the reasons why.

7 Reasons You Need a Sober Coach

Reason #1: Accountability

It is much easier to stay sober if you have someone to hold you accountable. Because a sober coach is also in recovery, they have heard it all and can expose your lies. They can also talk you out of making poor decisions.


Reason #2: Easier Transitioning to the Real World

Coming from a controlled environment to the real world is a massive adjustment for someone newly sober. A sober coach is an excellent buffer to make the transition into society much more manageable.


They can remind you of what you stand to lose if you make a mistake and assist you in finding positive support groups to join for additional social support.


Reason #3: Family Is Given Support and Assistance in Mending Relationships


The family can also receive additional assistance during the healing process. Working with sober coaches can restore honesty and trust to your most important relationships.


Sober coaches can assist the family with the following:

  • Helping the family get support from groups or therapy
  • Rebuilding relationships
  • Facilitating better communication skills
  • Educating the family on addiction and how to spot warning signs
  • Helping maintain healthy boundaries


Reason #4: Relapse Prevention

It is possible to relapse. It frequently happens when someone leaves treatment or detox without a safety plan in place. A sober coach can assist you in developing a personalized relapse prevention strategy.


When a craving strikes, make a list of who to call and what to do.


 Cravings can be relieved by:

  • Meditating and yoga
  • Journaling
  • Using music and art therapy
  • Playing sports activities
  • Walking in nature
  • Reading a book or a magazine


This is not an exhaustive list, but you and your sober coach can sit down and map out a plan of activities you can use when a craving strikes to fight it off.


Reason #5: To Help Set up a Healthy Routine and Structure

Structure and routine are essential for a successful recovery. There is often no routine when drinking or using—everything revolves around the substance.


A routine and structure to your day keep you and your mind busy and help your mind stay in the present moment. You know you can’t sneak away to drink when dining with the family is scheduled for the same time every evening. Well, you can’t if a sober coach is there to keep you on schedule.


Reason #6: Identify Challenges and Help You Deal With Them Head-on

You are trying to avoid certain emotions when you first begin your recovery. A sober coach can assist you in identifying your triggers and developing strategies for dealing with your fears.


Consider a sober coach to be a mirror; they can reflect your negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors back to you, allowing you to see what is going on inside and what you need to do to work on your negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


Staying sober will become easier once you learn how to cope and set better boundaries with others.


Reason #7: Go With You to High-risk Events or Occasions

Nothing is worse than the prospect of being unable to attend your younger sister’s wedding because you are afraid of getting drunk. A sober coach can accompany you to high-risk events to ensure you don’t drink.


Beyond accountability, having a sober coach by your side will remind you of what is at stake and why drinking is not a good idea. A sober coach will accompany you to any location deemed high-risk for you.


Of course, everyone’s definition of a high-risk location is different. Still, no matter where you identify as high-risk, a sober coach can accompany you to help you stay on track.

7 Reasons You Need a Sober Coach

Is a Sober Coach Different Than a Sober Companion?

Both sober coaches and sober companions are in recovery. They have been trained to help someone transition back to the real world after detox or treatment.


On the other hand, a sober companion will be more intensive and can spend the entire day with the client if necessary. Sober coaches, like companions, will not be with someone full-time. However, early in recovery, a sober coach can help someone establish a routine and structure in their life, which will ultimately help them stay sober or clean. As needed, a sober coach will be available by phone, online, or in person.


Your individual needs will determine whether you require full-time support and care or part-time assistance.


Sober Coach vs. Sponsor?

A sponsor is similar to a sober coach. Still, their role in a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous is simply to assist a member. They are responsible for helping you remain sober and directing you through the program’s steps.


A sober coach focuses more on getting your life back on track without the need to drink or use drugs and is not connected to any specific support group.


In Summary

A sober coach can be a crucial component of a successful recovery. No one should have to try to get straight on their own. If you want to ensure your recovery’s success, call us at 800-706-0318, and we will match you with a sober coach.


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