A “Doggone” Dilemma!
Today’s blog is going to involve the local police department, a dog, Hydrocodone and addiction. It’s a true story that just recently happened and put a recovering addict with a love for animals in a real bad position.
The day in reference started out like any other normal day. A recovering opioid addict named Layne was coming home from a Home Depot run one morning last month when he noticed a lady frantically waving her arms trying to get someone to pull over and help her. Layne noticed no one stopping, so he pulled over to help. That’s when Layne noticed a dog in the grass by the side of the road and it couldn’t use its back legs. The frantic woman informed Layne that a black police SUV had run over her dog and kept going. The poor dog was in incredible pain, so Layne picked the dog up, put it in his truck and told the lady to get in. Luckily the pet hospital that Layne uses for his three dogs was less than 500 yards away.
Could he possibly make the 5-hour round trip back to his heroin stomping grounds and pick up pain meds for a dog that wasn’t even his. Could he do all this and not take a pill or two from the dog’s medication?
The answer is yes.
Against all odds, Layne was able to do what the vet and all the local Ft. Pierce pharmacies could not do, help relieve this poor dog’s pain. As of now, the dog is walking on her own without the surgery. It appears the surgeon was up to no good with this situation. Layne has decided to contact the local news to tell his story and perhaps find Tinkerbell the surgery she was told she needed.
As of today, Layne is still out $4400, but his sobriety stayed intact and Tinkerbell seems to be making progress. Was it smart for Layne to take it into his own hands in getting pain meds for this dog? Probably not. For most recovering addicts this could have been too much to handle and it could have triggered a long and deadly relapse. Thank God it didn’t in this case.
If you are struggling with heroin, pain meds or any other addiction, you can get help today by calling The Addiction Coach at 1-800-706-0318 ext 1. Or visit us here. Call today before it is too late.