Addiction Does Not Discriminate. Cali and Tim Estes Share Their Personal Struggle.
In numerous blogs we have discussed how the deadly cycle of addiction has no prejudices when it comes to who it decides to affect and who it doesn’t. Addiction goes after the rich and it goes after the poor. Addiction goes after the famous and it goes after the unknown. Addiction goes after all races of people, both male and female and the outcome is usually the same. That is why this next victim of addiction and its consequences is extremely interesting, but not surprising at all.
Dr. Cali Estes, founder and creator of both The Addictions Academy and The Addictions Coach is no exception to how little addiction cares about who we are or what we are when it comes to ripping lives apart. Dr. Estes is the addictions industry’s leading top nationally certified recovery coach, sober coach and interventionist and is the founder and creator of the addiction industry’s top addiction recovery based school called The Addictions Academy. Having said this, addiction has hit Dr. Estes hard and has wreaked havoc on both her personal life and professional life. Dr. Estes is married to a professional musician named Timothy Estes. Tim plays drums for the Miami based hard rock band CROWFLY and has freelanced on drums for many other musical endeavors including blues icon Eric Sardinas and NYC’s rock powerhouse THE DEADLYZ. It is through this marriage of two high-level professionals, that we learn how little addiction cares about who we are or what we do before it tries to destroy us.
It was no secret that Mr. Estes was the typical rock n roll partier when it came to late nights of drinking and snorting a little cocaine. Through the first 15 years of his music career, Tim drank gin with the best of them and could basically snort anyone “under the table” when it came to cocaine, but the worst was yet to come. In 2009, Cali and Tim decided to move to Miami and this is where the real horror started and the wheel to their personal and professional lives began to come off. In early 2010, Tim was introduced to Roxies and this is where life as they knew it, changed forever. Tim soon graduated from pain pills to heroin and their marriage was soon hanging on by a thread. Soon Dr. Cali Estes’ competitors were catching wind of her husband’s addiction and began trying to use this unfortunate and personal struggle to put her out of business.
After a few months of trying to do damage control, Dr, Estes and her husband Tim decided to tell the world about their struggles with addiction and use this to help others in a “tell all” book titled ” I Married A Junkie”. In this book, the couple talks about their struggles with addiction, Tim’s near death overdoses and prison sentences. The book talks about the music endeavors that Tim ruined by being under the influence of heroin while performing. The book also talks about Cali’s childhood struggles and her eating disorder which led to an addiction to diet pills. But most importantly, this book shows how two people who believed in each other didn’t care what outsiders were saying and doing to try to kick them while they were down. They helped each other get up off the ground, dust themselves off and come back stronger than ever. So you can get your copy of Cali and Tim’s best selling book titled ” I Married A Junkie” by heading over to and ordering your copy today. And as always, if you know someone who is struggling with drugs and/or alcohol please contact Dr. Estes and The Addictions Coach by clicking on http://www.theaddictionscoach. com or by calling 1-800-706-0318.
We are here to help you!