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The Addictions Coach. Child Passes out Heroin like Candy.

The Addictions Coach. Child passes out herion like candy. Where are the parents handlers? How can we save our kids from this ? Www.theaddictionscoach.com 1.800.706.0318

Child Thinks Heroin is Candy, Shares At Day Care




SELBYVILLE, Del. (AP) – Authorities say a 4-year-old girl in Delaware passed out packets of heroin she found in her mother’s backpack to her day care mates, thinking they contained candy.The Delaware State Police said in a news release that the girl found the bags Monday in a backpack her mom gave her to use after hers was ruined by a family pet. The pack contained 249 bags of heroin weighing 3.7 grams.Day care providers at the Hickory Tree Child Care Center in Selbyville called police when they noticed some children with the bags.

The girl’s mother is 30-year-old Ashley Tull of Selbyville. She faces charges of maintaining a drug property and endangering the welfare of a child. A woman who answered a telephone number listed to Tull said she wasn’t in and hung up.



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