Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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The Addictions Coach: Mobile Rehab. Drug and Alcohol Treatment on the GO

Drug and Alcohol Treatment on the GO. Addiction Coaching. Sober Coaching. Recovery Coaching. Anger Management. Internationally Certified Master Addictions Coaches can get to the root cause of the issue and help you get back on your game.  Cali Estes and her team at The Addictions Coach can help you. 1.800.706.0318

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The Addictions Coach creates Unique Mobile rehab to Combat On site Drug and Alcohol Addictions

The Addictions Coach is bringing the rehab to the client. They have mastered the art of handling addictions by pairing Yoga, nutrition and fitness, along with traditional talk therapy, to assist in the fight against addiction, all done on Location.

PRLogJan. 4, 2015MIAMIMiami Florida January 4, 2015

The Addictions Coach Creates a Unique Mobile Rehab to Combat Drug and Alcohol Addictions Nationwide.

The Addictions Coach announced that they are offering a mobile rehab service in addition to their individual private sessions, sober coaches and sober companions. The Addictions Coach Company is bringing the rehab to the client. They have mastered the art of handling addictions by pairing Yoga, nutrition and fitness, along with traditional talk therapy, to assist in the fight against addiction, all done on Location of their clients. Sober Coaches usually employ the more traditional of therapies, including talk therapy and prayer to assist clients in gaining insight into their addiction, but Cali Estes, owner of The Addictions Coach, has taken the approach to a whole new level.

Cali’s multidimensional approach focuses on the underlying cause of the addiction and she approaches each client in a unique manner. Unlike traditional rehabilitation centers that convince the addict that they have a disease that is incurable and they must attend meetings, recite prayers and follow steps, Cali tailors her program to fit the client. By realizing that each client is unique and their pattern of addiction is unique with a root cause, Cali is able to address the addiction at the core and assist the addict in making the necessary changes and positive steps in their life.

“Actors, Musicians and High Profile Executives have been using sober coaches to get clean, which is a 24/7 supervision concept with meetings around the 12 step” Cali said. “ When I work with clients, I like to decrease their Post-Acute Withdrawal symptoms and teach them how to access the feel good chemicals in their brain by using Yoga, nutrition and fitness along with the addiction coaching and CBT techniques that are affective and get results. “

Cali is more than a ‘sober coach’. She has a background in clinical and personality psychology, addictions and forensics. She can get to the root of the addiction quickly and work with the client in building a safe environment in which to make the changes necessary to live a productive lifestyle.  Clients in addiction feel powerless, helpless and hopeless and need answers and ways to change their lives. Sometimes family and friends think that everyone should be able to have ‘just one drink’ at a function, but for some clients that is not what happens. That one drink turns them into an unmanageable individual that their family and friends cannot deal with. Taking a pill to ‘get through the day’ or ‘take the edge off’ eventually leads to a full-blown addiction with the addict personality. Cali can address all these issues with both the family and the client and assist them in making the changes necessary to be happy and healthy.

“I do the traditional one hour a week sessions, but I am also available to assist clients on tour, on movie sets, on the field, court or even in the ER or Business meeting. I can get done in 3-7 days what it takes a traditional drug and alcohol treatment center a month to accomplish,” Cali said. “For a high-powered CEO or actor that does not have the time to spend in a residential rehab, I can bring the rehab to them. We can also offer a sober coach or sober companion for the next 30+ days to ensure sobriety or anger management needs have been met.

Cali has consulted in 2 countries and frequently flies between South Florida, New York and Los Angeles to work with her clients. She has clients in the music industry, acting/film, modeling, CEO’s and frequent high stress jobs clients. She is available on an individual basis for clients, more intensive or for speaking engagements. She has accompanied clients to high risk situations like weddings, worked ‘on set’ of movie and film productions, worked directly with pro athletes, sat in on business meetings, been ‘on tour’ with musicians and even will work directly in the home of the client for a more intensive ‘rehab’ setting.

“The Addictions Coach employs the Top Master Addiction Coaches and we are available for individual sessions, long day sessions from 8-12 hours, weekly sessions on as a 30 day stay,” Cali said.  “We handle drug, alcohol, food, gambling, sex, gaming and assorted other addictions at the root cause and assist the client in realizing that a life free from addiction is possible.”

The Addictions Coach is based out of Miami, Florida but services clients in all of South Florida, New York City and Los Angeles.



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