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Anderson & Anderson, APC and the Addictions Academy have entered into a Collaborative Marketing Agreement.

Anderson & Anderson, APC and the Addictions Academy have entered into a Collaborative Marketing Agreement.

By George Anderson of Anderson and Anderson

“Collaborative Marketing, in a nutshell, is the process of sharing resources to increase leads, brand, and influence.” http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidkwilliams/2013/06/18/collaborative-marketing-is-the-next-big-thing/

The Addictions Academy is one of the largest Substance Abuse training and certifications organizations in the nation. “We are the ONLY National provider of National Courses that EVERY state will accept for their examinations. We are approved by NAADAC to offer Continuing Education Hours on select classes. “- See more at: http://www.theaddictionsacademy.com/therapy-professionals/recovery-courses-and-certificate-programs/#sthash.pEP8dabV.dpuf

Some of the training offered by The Addiction Academy include Certified Recovery Coach, Interventionist, Advanced Clinical Interventionist, MASTER Addictions Coach, Family Recovery Coach or get the Anderson & Anderson, APC Certification training in Anger Management, Case Management, Life Coaching, Ethics and Business Branding. Courses are offered LIVE throughout the country or online via our virtual classroom webinars. – See more at: http://www.theaddictionsacademy.com/therapy-professionals/recovery-courses-and-certificate-programs/#sthash.pEP8dabV.dpuf

Anderson & Anderson, APC is the largest and oldest provider of Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management training in the nation. We offer Anger Management Facilitator Certification, Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator Certification, Emotional Intelligence Coach Certification as well as Franchises for Emotional Intelligence Coaching for “disruptive physicians”.


All of the Anderson & Anderson, APC trainings are approved by the Board of Behavior Science in California as well as U.S. Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs Department, CAADAC, CADE, California Department of Corrections, Texas Board of Adult and Juvenile Probation as well as the Texas Board of Domestic Violence. Click here for a list of endorsements: http://andersonservices.com/about/endorsements/

In addiction, Anderson & Anderson, APC offers client workbooks in anger management, domestic violence, parenting, and emotional intelligence. George Andersron is the anger management guru.http://andersonservices.com/services/seminar-schedule/

These two firms offer complimentary services and products. Therefore, it is likely that both will greatly benefit from Collaborative Marketing. “Internet exposure for the joint endeavor can create leverage that leads to higher Google GOOG -1.03% rankings and stronger SEO for all of the companies involved. Businesses don’t even need a common audience to benefit from collaborative marketing, though it is particularly beneficial when they do.”


Collaborative Marketing is a promising option for many small businesses.

George Anderson is the Executive Director of Anderson & Anderson, APC.


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