Anxiety can be one of the biggest factors in active addiction. Our anxiety can continue to feed the deadly cycle of addiction that continues to take lives on a daily basis. What causes our anxiety? How can we overcome our anxieties to a point where they don’t dictate whether we pick up our drug of choice or have our drink of choice and start a daily cycle of usage that destroys our dreams and passions.
We here at The Addictions Coach 1-800-706-0318 specialize in recognizing and controlling our anxieties and helping you pinpoint what is feeding your anxiety. Once this is accomplished you can begin to heal and stop anxiety from feeding your addiction.
Anxiety has many faces in addiction. It can come in the form of low self-esteem or low self-confidence. It can come in the form of feeling that we don’t contribute in life. Anxiety can show its face in the form of not feeling comfortable in crowds of people. Whatever face your anxiety shows, it can be controlled and the elite team at The Addictions Coach has the tools to show you how to control your anxieties. Our professionally certified recovery coaches, top certified interventionists and certified life coaches all have the skill to help you with anxiety. Please contact us today to get control of your anxiety and begin to get a foot firmly rooted in sobriety.