Best Way To Detox Off Opiates
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Question: What is the best way to detox off opiates? I have been using oxy and the doctors want to put me on suboxone for 6 months.
Answer: Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach says: Usually the new drug has side effects that are even worse. I don’t like suboxone or methadone. Its like trading one drug for another and then you end up physically and psychologically dependent on the new drug. I use the taper method, with like products. So, I will step a heroin addict down with heroin, opiates with opiates. When energy levels fall, we address that as well. Now if you were into narcotics like cocaine before opiates you can flip your brain back with those.
But, I am not a doctor. I just recommend what I have seen work with past clients.
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