Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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Can addiction be treated?

Can addiction be treated?

Addiction can be treated in many different ways. The most traditional ways include detox, inpatient rehab, PHP (day treatment) and IOP (intensive evening outpatient). Most treatment centers are focused on abstinence-based programming but lack the most up to date alternatives, including harm reduction strategies, cannabis, MAT programs, brain health, nutrition/fitness programming and more.

Traditional 12 step, Minnesota Model treatment is antiquated.  White knuckling and hitting bottom are things of the past. Here is the break down of how we can treat addiction:

Therapy –can include CBT, DBT, EMDR, and more. The purpose of therapy to treat addiction is to handle the demons that hold you back. Addressing trauma, PTSD, and the underlying cause of why you use drugs and alcohol to cope with life are keys to changing the behaviors of drug and alcohol use.

Coaching –is one of the most powerful ways to get unstuck. Coaching focuses on the now and the future, while therapy focuses on the past. Coaches will hold a client accountable and assist them in goal setting, goal planning, understanding how to create purpose and passion in life and move forward. Teaching a client healthy coping skills and life skills is paramount in understanding how to stay sober in a world where addiction is everywhere.

Brain Health – After using drugs and alcohol, your brain will have issues with neurotransmitters. You may be feeling foggy, unhappy, depressed and often sluggish. Addressing the serotonin-dopamine connections in the brain and replenishing the depleted ones will make you feel more focused and centered. It will take time to replace and replenish all the issues in the brain that were created from use, but with proper supplements, the brain can be reset.

Cannabis- Recently Cannabis and CBD oils have been used to treat opiate detox symptoms and also alleviate anxiety, PTSD and more. Cannabis has restorative properties that alleviate anxiety and restless legs, nausea, brain fog, and night sweats. Addiction can be treated with medical cannabis and CBD very easily.

MAT- Medically Assisted therapies like Suboxone, Methadone, and Vivitrol have been on the rise to assist clients in getting over the hump from using opiates to sobriety. Some clients are on long-term MAT to keep them off the streets from heroin usage. Sometimes MAT is used for detox only followed by therapy and coaching.

Nutrition/Fitness – Combatting the damage done to your body by utilizing food as medicine and also exercise to refuel and refresh your body is key to treating addiction.  If you feel good, you will look good and you will be in a better space to get your goals and action plans accomplished.

So, Can addiction be treated? Absolutely and in many different ways and on many different levels. The Addictions Coach can assist you in all of the above and help you get on your path to health and wellness.

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