Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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Certified Sober Companions

We provide elite and concierge sober companions that can live in or travel with you- worldwide!

We can help with real world issues.
Private and Confidential

Certified Sober Companions

Sober Companions – Certified and Highly Experienced

We provide elite and concierge sober companions that travel with you, live in your residence, or hotel, or are on-site for an event or brief period. We can provide as much or as little support as needed. We are not ‘babysitters’, we are support services that are there when you need us, in real-time. 

Sober Companions are the perfect solution if you are leaving drug and alcohol treatment (or chose not to go) and want a little bit more help. Our concierge care in real time will assist you with real life issues like alcohol and drug addiction, mental health, anxiety, work issues, and navigating friends and family situations. Our certified, bonded and insured, elite sober companions at The Addictions Coach have 10 plus years of sobriety and are former executives, business and leadership professionals, retired athletes, and even celebrities.

With us, you get the sober companion that is the perfect fit for you.

With our vast network of trained and certified individuals, we can match your personality and the sober buddy that best suits your personality, lifestyle and needs. You can meet them via ZOOM ahead of time to ensure a great fit and smooth transition. We are the largest provider of sober companions and sober escorts in the world and can guarantee a great fit with your sober companion. Some of our trained staff have gone on tour with bands and accompanied the NBA, the NFL, the NHL, and even the MLB. Traveling with CEOs and top executives globally is also a cinch for us. Your reputation is at stake, and we understand that discretion is our nature.

How does it work? We provide as much or as little support as you need.  We offer support services in real time, but we are not in your way. If you want space, we can provide that and accompany you as needed to events, appointments or more.  The companion can stay with you in your home, office, hotel, tour bus and more. Our goal is to help you to reintegrate into society and tackle any obstacles as they arise.

Certified Sober Companions

Sober Companions

In addition to sober buddies, we also assist with case management, sober coaching, life coaching, court reporting, drug testing, nutrition, cooking, assisting with household duties, and more. We are also equipped to address underlying mental health disorders such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), multiple types of depression, borderline personality disorder, and eating disorders.


A unique component that we can offer is our Signature Sober on Demand services if you need more assistance. We can provide on site medical detox and deep dive programs instead of a 3o-day inpatient stay at a drug and alcohol treatment facility. We are the propriety owners of a unique supplement line that will actually help heal your brain and get your neurotransmitters firing properly again. Whether you need us for a day, a month, or a year, we can be there for you.

People having fun as a sober companion


Provide support when needed


Assistance in destressing and deescalating


Worldwide travel accompaniment


Assistance with medical detox and MAT therapies


Coaching and goal setting with action plan


Assistance with job and life balance


Assistance with dealing with family and boundary setting



Call with any Questions

Call us to see if you are a good fit for one of our programs.

Why Choose Us

We Provide only the best sober companion

You want a sober companion that matches your personality, skill set, and what you enjoy for fun. With over 100 different sober companions to chose from, we can personality match the companion to your unique needs, time frame and location. 

Couple walking on beach. Young happy people walking on beach smiling

Get your life back

A certified sober companion can help you return to the fun loving life you once had.

Executive talking on mobile phone on platform

Get back to business

A sober companion can help you get back to work and increase your success.

Fill out the form so we can contact you to see if you are a good fit for our program.

We are pleased to offer a Free Consultation to address your unique needs and concerns and create a plan of action that suites your specific goals. When you’re in need of substance abuse treatment, our exclusive alternative to treatment offers a level of customization and fluidity that is unparalleled.


Client Reviews

What Our Clients Say

Our work speaks for itself. Hear what our clients had to say...

From CEO’s, Wall Street Execs, Professional Athletes, Doctors to the failing student and the wine mom that drinks in the school pick up line, we can help. Call us today for a consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Sober Companions

Not everyone will, but if you are just coming out of a residential program or our Sober on Demand concierge coaching, you can likely benefit greatly from having one. If you attend a high-stress event, like a wedding, job duty, or other event, you should have a sober buddy to go with you for support and guidance.

Sober companions are certified, bonded, insured, and long-term sober individuals who can offer the right support for those looking to get and stay clean. They are available as a live in at your residence, or just to accompany you to events, work, gym, grocery, meetings, outings, and other high-risk situations. They can help with mental health issues like ADD, depression, eating disorders and various types of addiction: drug addiction, alcohol addiction, food addiction and sex addiction.

Your therapist serves as your guide in your journey, helping you uncover truths about your addiction and develop the skills you need to stay clean. A sober companion is someone who supports the work you do with your therapist by accompanying you through life outside of therapy.

You should be certified as a sober companion, bonded, and insured. You should also have at least five years of sobriety under your belt before you take on clients. You can get your certification through The Addictions Academy.

A sober companion has many functions, all begin with helping you get and stay sober for period of time. Sober companions can also assist with mental health issues and social triggers and stressors. Additional duties can include helping you get groceries and food shopping (without the alcohol stop), or even going to the gym with you and helping you get back on the healthy lifestyle track. Of course 12 step meetings are  always an option. Sober Companions help with triggers, coping skills, managing relationships, managing finances and more. A sober companion’s goal is to help you stay sober for a minimum period of time while you reintegrate into life with your newfound sobriety.

They go by different names: Sober Companions, Travel Companions or Accompaniment, Sober Escorts, Recovery Assistants, Recovery Coaches or Sober Coaches, Addiction Coaches, and so on. These are individuals (and professionals) that have gone through numerous forms of addiction recovery training, and truly understand and can relate to addictive tendencies, cravings, behaviors, common manipulation tactics, and moreSober Companions (and recovery coaches) at The Addictions Coach have undergone rigorous training, have achieved National Certification in Recovery Coaching (in many cases additional certifications as well) and are professionally insured.

Call us today for a FREE consultation. 1.800.706.0318 or fill out the form on our Contact Us Page.

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