Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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Certified Sugar and Junk Food Coaches

Certified Sugar and Junk Food Addiction Coaches

Experienced | Credentialed | Committed

Certified Sugar and Junk Food Addiction Coaches

Support and help on-demand.

Extra support from trained professionals who understand both the chemical and emotional connection to sugar and junk food addictions.

Do you overeat? Stress eat? If you fail at diets, crave sweets, and fast food is part of your weekly routine, you need a sugar coach and a junk food addiction coach.

Our sugar addiction coaches and junk food addiction coaches are highly trained and certified in the latest techniques to help you kick the habit for good. The unique process we use to engage the neurotransmitters in your brain will target the chemical side of cravings, coupled with the strong coaching elements to assist you in kicking the sugar addiction and junk food habit for good.

Dr. Cali Estes is interviewed by KTLA about Food Addiction
Play Video about Dr. Cali Estes is interviewed by KTLA about Food Addiction

Who can most benefit from our acclaimed sugar addiction coaching and junk food addiction coaching services?

  • Anyone who has failed multiples diets, and still craves junk food and sweets despite trying many other programs, Overeater’s Anonymous, or even surgery to stop overeating.
  • Those who stand in front of the refrigerator and eat because of boredom, or hide food in their desk drawers at work so no one can see what they snack on.
  • Someone who has been to treatment or had coaching in the past,  without long-term success, and needs greater support and secondary accountability.
  • Those who want a long- term solution.
  • Those who want to handle both chemical and emotional cravings in a way that creates results.
  • There are many other common scenarios…call us at (800) 706-0318 for more information.

Certified Life Coaches & Food Addiction Coaches

Our coaching and supplement program extends far beyond just basic help.

Imagine a personal & private experience that is tailored to your needs. Our customized supplement line, ProRecoveryRX can be tailored to your unique body needs. Our at-home  testing kit will assist us in creating a supplement that is unique to your body’s deficiencies and help to quell cravings and boost serotonin support. This unique way to combat the chemical side of sugar addiction and junk food addiction coupled with  coaching, and even therapy, will change your life.  

A unique component that we can offer you is our Sober on Demand service if you need more assistance. We can provide an on site detox and deep dive program  instead of a 3o-day inpatient stay at a food addiction or eating disorder facility. Whether you need us for a day, a month, or a year, we have food companions (sober companions) that can be there for you.

Long Term Sober Success


Supplements to help heal your brain and stop cravings


Providing accountability and real-time coping skills


Healthy lifestyle planning


Nutritionist and Meal Plan included


Improved brain function and mood


Balancing sugar free and lifestyle changes in real time


Sustaining healthy moods and how to eat responsibly


Finding inner peace, joy, and contentment

Call with any Questions

Call us to see if you are a good fit for one of our programs.

Why Choose Us

Sugar Addiction Coaching gets results

Fast and measurable results and goal driven outcomes. That is what sugar addiction and junk food addiction coaching is all about. Something that helps you get to the root cause of the problem and solve it. This is guidance, education, personal support, 12-Step and non 12-Step introduction, personal sober accompaniment, and so much more…

Life is good!

Sugar Addiction Coaches

You are ready to live your best life. We understand and we are standing by to help you get started. Call Today.

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Your Success

It goes beyond just overcoming sugar and junk food cravings. You want to feel good, look good and be at your best. We can help.

Fill out the form so we can contact you to see if you are a good fit for our program.

We are pleased to offer a Free Consultation to address your unique needs and concerns and create a plan of action that suites your specific goals. When you’re in need of substance abuse treatment, our exclusive alternative to treatment offers a level of customization and fluidity that is unparalleled.


Client Reviews

What Our Clients Say

Our work speaks for itself. Hear what our clients had to say...

From CEO’s, Wall Street Execs, Professional Athletes, Doctors to the failing student and the wine mom that drinks in the school pick up line, we can help. Call us today for a consultation. 

“I chose sober because I wanted a better life. I stay sober because I got one”

– Anonymous