Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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Do you have racing thoughts? Do you get anxiety or think you have ADD? Dr. Cali Estes discusses in Bustle.

racing thoughts
Do you have racing thoughts? Do you get anxiety or think you have ADD? How do you know? Read this article and see what experts have to say on the subject. Dr. Cali is featured in 3 major points on the topic.

7 Ways To Tell If Your Racing Thoughts Might Actually Be A Mental Health Issue

It happens to the best of us: an inability to concentrate at work, panic in traffic, or thoughts that are too scattered or busy to let us fall asleep. But for others, constant racing thoughts can become an uncomfortable, but consistent, part of everyday life. And mental health professionals want people to know the difference.


The elite team at The Addictions Coach is here to help you or a loved one suffering with symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression.  If you are using alcohol or drugs to cope with these symptoms please seek out the help of a mental health and substance abuse counselor, or a Certified Recovery Coach.

www.TheAddictionsCoach.com 1.800.706.0318 ext 1


#1 best selling author of I Married a Junkie

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