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Dr. Cali Estes featured in Yahoo! Lifestyle Discussing New Mom Anxiety


New Mom

Dr. Cali Estes is featured on Yahoo! Lifestyle to discuss panic attacks, social anxiety and when to seek help if you are overwhelmed. New mom anxiety is even more prevalent and can lead to heart palpitations, see more below:

When New Mom Anxiety Isn’t Normal

Kimberly Zapata She Knows

Nothing can truly prepare you for having a baby. You can read What to Expect When You’re Expecting every day and listen to what any and every parenting expert has to say, and you’ll still go into the process unprepared; your body will ache and hurt, and your mind will be caught off-guard.

How do I know? Because I’ve given birth. Twice. And while my second pregnancy was somewhat easier — I knew what clothes to wear, which prenatals to buy and how to manage my acid reflux — the postpartum period rocked me. It crippled me and shook me to my core, and I became very anxious. In fact, my fears started affecting every aspect of my life, from my relationships with husband and daughter to my ability to work.

But isn’t anxiety, as a new parent, par for the course? Well, yes and no. We spoke with doctors and consulted the research to help you figure out whether your new mom anxiety is normal. According to the experts — and the science — here are the tell-tale signs that you may need to seek help.

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