Dr. Cali Estes: New York Sober Coach
What is a ‘sober coach’?
A sober coach is a New Yorker, just like you. We are individuals that are trained, Nationally Certified in Recovery Coaching (NCRC) and able to assist you throughout your day. We can assist you, the New Yorker, by the hour, half day or full day, depending on your unique needs and busy lifestyle. All New York Sober Coaches are highly trained and educated, and understand the unique beat and pulse of the New York lifestyle. New York Sober Coaches are trained professionals that understand the issues around addiction. We can help you with drugs, alcohol, gambling, anger, food and more negative behaviors that impact and ruin your life. We get to the root cause of the issues and help you solve those negative issues that impact you.
Why do you need a New York Sober Coach or New York Sober Companion?
A New York Sober Coach understands the unique needs and vibe of New York and the fast paced culture of the life of a New Yorker. All of our sober coaches are executives in the professional industry, with years of sobriety under their belts. We offer both the abstinence model and harm reduction models and we meet every client right where they are. We NEVER force 12 step meetings on our clients and we also offer Yoga, Fitness, Nutrition, Life Coaching, Coping Skills, Life Skills and Behavioral Management. We are NOT paid babysitters. We are lifestyle management experts. We can accompany you in your daily life and assist you in gaining new skills and increasing the purpose and passion in your life. If you feel ‘stuck’ we can assist.
When do you need to hire a New York Sober Coach or New York Sober Companion?
Our clients hire us at different times and for various reasons. Some have just finished a residential treatment facility and need assistance dealing with real life in real-time. We can live in with them, or live in a hotel as they travel and offer 24/7 sober care and support as a sober coach. Some of our clients hire us in lieu of residential treatment or halfway houses. We stand in the gap between the treatment facility and the real world. We are present for our clients when they can’t be present for themselves. As your New York Recovery Coaches, we can handle 24/7 clients if they go on tour, on set, play on the court or field, or even travel for business. We also are available by event (if a client has a high stress event like a wedding we can accompany them to the event and assist with any behavioral issues including drugs and alcohol. We also can work by the hour and assist clients weekly as needed.
What training and education do New York Sober Coaches have?
All of our staff are Nationally Certified Recovery Coaches (NCRC) and Internationally Certified Master Addictions Coaches (IMAC). Training is paramount in hiring a sober coach or New York Sober Companion. Our clients are professionals that expect a certain level of service and training. All of our staff are trained, educated professionals that have personally experienced issues within their lives that allow them to offer a real level of expertise coupled with professional training.
Are your New York Sober Coaches and New York Sober Companions insured?
All of our staff at The Addictions Coach is not only trained but hold personal liability and malpractice insurance as well.
How do I find the right New York Sober Coach for me?
At the Addictions Coach personality match our clients and our staff. We want to know what our clients like about New York and what they do for fun and business and we then match the right Professional Certified Recovery Coach with the client. Our focus is on the client and we simply do not just send out ‘the first available coach’ we actually take the time to get to know our clients.
What if I need more than just a New York Sober Coach?
At The Addictions Coach we offer a signature service called Mobile Rehab. For our clients that do not want to go to a drug and alcohol treatment facility, we offer an in house services that gets to the root cause of the issues and assists with the behavioral modification techniques.
Have you been in the press?
Yes we have! The Addictions Coach is the leading authority on all things addiction and coaching. From CNN to CNBC to HBO, NBC and more we have been featured in different media and Television portals.
How do I find you?
Call 1.800.706.0318