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CLASS DISMISSED: Drug Dealing 101



School’s Out For “The Main Line Takeover Project”

Drug Dealing 101

Drug addiction shows no prejudice, cares nothing of race and is not restricted to any certain area as it tries to rip our communities apart.  This was very obvious this week in the super affluent suburbs of Philadelphia.  Police arrested a group of young people who had structured a highly profitable organized crime ring that sold drugs and guns into some of the most prestigious private and public schools in the Northeastern United States.  What makes this even worse is that these criminals also recruited young high school students at these very same schools to help run and operate the organization.  This hits especially close to home for Cali Estes as this is her home area.

    Neil Scott, 25, and Timothy Brooks, 18, both played lacrosse at The Haverford  School.  They used connections to build a drug ring at local colleges and  high schools.  Authorities seized an assault rifle, 8 pounds of pot and several  grams of cocaine, MDMA and hash oil while busting up the well-orchestrated  business in the Main Line suburbs.
Two clean-cut, prep school grads enlisted local high school and college students to move several pounds of narcotics every week as the men aimed to become the drug kingpins of affluent suburbs north of Philadelphia, authorities  said.
Scott and Brooks, were both lacrosse-playing  graduates of the $35,000-a-year Haverford School who decided to drop out of expensive colleges to focus on dealing drugs in the Main Line suburbs of Philly and Montgomery County, authorities said Monday after derailing the operation in a sting dubbed “The Main Line Take Over Project.”
“They were using very traditional business principles,” Montgomery County  District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman said at a press conference. “To take those skills and turn it into this kind of illegal enterprise is very  distressing.”
Much of the operation centered around Scott’s Haverford apartment, where the duo would receive large shipments of pounds of marijuana, authorities said.   Scott and Brooks, using their prep school credentials and ties to high school  athletics, funneled the drugs to subdealers at five local high schools and three colleges.
Those young adults would sling pot, cocaine, hash oil and ecstasy to their classmates at highly ranked schools in the Philadelphia area.
Scott and Brooks would allegedly push the subdealers to each move at least one pound of weed each week, and offer incentives like lower drug prices and the ability to buy drugs on credit if they successfully hooked new customers.
In total, eight men and one woman were arrested, as were two 17-year-old juveniles who live with their parents
Several of the defendants wore suit jackets and ties as they had their mugshots taken.
One defendant, Daniel McGrath, 18, is a current student at the elite Haverford School and has been suspended from school indefinitely.
“Those choices reflect badly on the values the school stands for,” headmaster  John Nagl told the Associated Press of the alleged involvement of several current and former Haverford students. “They let down themselves and their  families, who’ve made huge sacrifices to send them to this school.”
The roundup was the end of a four-month investigation into the ring that began after authorities received a tip. Search warrants executed at nine  different locations turned up 8 pounds of marijuana, 3 grams of hash oil, 23  grams of cocaine, 11 grams of MDMA, more than $11,000 in cash, a loaded AR-15  assault rifle, a loaded 9mm pistol, gun ammunition, eight cellphones and two  cars.
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