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Get Your Copy TODAY: I Married A Junkie, best-selling book written by Dr. Cali Estes and husband, Tim Estes.

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junkieDr. Cali Estes and her husband, rock musician Tim Estes, put out their first book and best seller I Married A Junkie.   A story about the dynamics of one of the addiction industry’s leading forces and her marriage to a rock musician and struggling addict.

The book graphically takes you step-by-step through their whirlwind early years to their dark heroin days and then the couples climb to sobriety and personal success. The book strategically bounces back and forth between Cali and Tim and their personal struggles, starting with Tim’s dark cycle of addiction.

The book begins with Tim nodding out on heroin at a red light and sleeping through three green lights before the cops arrive. The book then shifts to Cali and her crazy childhood filled with stress, anxiety and depression which actually shaped her ferocious personality that has led to her success.

People have often asked how one of the addictions industry’s top sober coaches could be married to one of rock music’s hardest partiers, so pick up the book and you will find out why and how the marriage survived. Dr. Cali Estes is the founder and creator of The Addictions Coach and The Addictions Academy 1.800.706.0318. You can get your copy of the book at http://www.imarriedajunkie.com

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