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Here is why coaching is hotter than therapy

Life coaching with clients

Here is why coaching is hotter than therapy

Why MUST a therapist add coaching to their practice?

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Coaching vs. Therapy: Why Coaches (Recovery Coach, Life Coach, Family Coach) make more than therapists and why therapists are adding coaching to their practice!

The Practice of Coaching is booming. Everyone has a coach: Life coach, recovery coach, business coach, relationship coach, executive coach. Coaching is hot and clients love it. Celebrities consult their coaches daily, business executives consult their coaches weekly if not more and addicts consult their recovery coaches a few times a week or more. Everyone is using coaches. Everyone loves it. Therapists are turning to coaches to add a revenue stream to their practice and drug and alcohol treatment centers are using recovery coaching and family coaching to increase their ROI and success rate by keeping clients sober longer.

Here is why life coaching is hotter than therapy and why all therapists and drug treatment centers need to add coaching to their revenue stream:

1. Clients want to see you. They look forward to it.
2. It has an end date and doesn’t drone on for years….years!  Recovery Coaches do their work quickly and accurately.
3. It is CASH PAY. No insurance, no forms, no waiting to get paid. No hoping to get paid.
4. We can travel anywhere. No office is needed. We can work at the beach, park, coffee shop, etc.
5. We make more per hour. Simply put, we can average up to $300 an hour or $2500 a day for companion work. counselors. Happy clients refer to more clients.
7. Treatment centers roll it into the copy.

For more on how to add more services and coaching to your practice to increase your client base and make more cash, call us at 1.800.706.0318


We have 15 different classes to help you increase your credentials, your clients, and your cash.

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