Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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How can I help my drug addicted child? 

How can I help my drug addicted child?

This seems to be another million dollar question! Those of us with children know the pain associated with having a child addicted to drugs and/or alcohol or even worse, having a child die from a drug overdose. So we ask emphatically, what can we do to help our drug addicted children. First and foremost we can listen to them and the signs that they are giving us. Our kids are individuals with individual hopes, dreams and aspirations, but with those hopes and dreams also come with individual problems, issues and hurdles. We may not always see eye to eye with our kids but we always need to listen to them and hear what they say. The reason I say this is because people abuse drugs for different reasons and there is no exception here when it comes to our children. So to be able to listen to our kids and hear what they are telling us during times of need and during the early stages in the cycle of addiction could play a major positive roll in our kid’s recovery process.

In our youth and in our kids early years self-esteem is very important and self-esteem can play a major role in whether or not our kids have the mental make up to stay away from drugs and/or alcohol or whether our kids have the tools to pick themselves up IF they were to get caught up in the crazy world of addiction. The Addictions Coach has a new program called LAUNCH PAD which focuses on young adults who seem to be stuck in “no man’s land” between childhood and productive adulthood. LAUNCH PAD is a program that gives young adults the skills to get off the couch and get into society’s workforce or get into some type of education program to gain the skills and knowledge to become a productive member of society. This, in turn, gives the young adult extreme confidence to continue the fight of his or her life if he or she has become addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. It all starts with confidence and The Addiction Coach and its LAUNCH PAD Program are here for you to take full advantage on! Go to our website at https://theaddictioncoachonline.com or call 1-800-706-0318 to get all the information you need to get started fixing yourself and creating you clean and sober future! Also, click on our testimonial page and watch the hundreds of ex-clients and ex-students testify as to how The Addictions Coach and its programs changed their lives for the better!!

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