How do I Find an Addiction Interventionist?
An intervention is one of the most difficult, yet important steps one can make to address a loved one’s problem. Confronting that person head-on, appealing to them, and essentially leaving yourself vulnerable can be so incredibly scary.
So, of course, there’s always a chance for something to go wrong. Maybe it’s perceived as hostile, maybe the person makes promises they can’t keep and just other general unforeseen difficulties. This is where an addiction interventionist may be able to guide you. Emotions can cloud our thoughts and cause us to make some decisions that are less than ideal, and a careful, delicate touch is essential in making sure things move smoothly.
With that in mind, it’s also best that you find the right addiction interventionist. You’re putting some real weight into the decisions of whoever you pick, and you have to have 100% trust that they’ll do things right.
What to Expect when you hire an interventionist
Before getting too far ahead of ourselves, for those who may not know, an addictions interventionist can be best described as someone who can guide you through the intervention process. From planning the intervention, the intervention itself, even down to the follow-up and some contingency plans. This is all by choice, obviously, and they’ll only go as far into the process as you, the client, would wish.
However, the tricky part is in finding the right interventionist for you. See, there are no qualifications to perform an intervention, and so you as the client would have to be very diligent and ask plenty of questions. However! It is possible to be certified, and there are some organizations such as The Addiction Coach that guarantee each interventionist is 100% certified, so they can be trusted. The certification process involves some pretty intense training and examination, so having a certified addiction interventionist on your side is a priceless resource.
Finding the Right Person
When it comes to finding the right interventionist, one of the first big steps you should consider is whether you would prefer a local in-person or a remote experience. Some methods work better than others and researching this sort of thing beforehand can save you any potential heartbreak. You can reach out to places like The Addiction Coach that have interventionists that may provide either, but a simple Google search could work too.
Next, when actually in the process of searching through the names galore, it’s best to remember that it’s okay to ask plenty of questions to whoever piques your interest. This may be time-consuming, but it can be so worth it in the long run. Here are some strong questions to ask said person to really make sure you’re finding the best for your case.
What are your credentials as a top interventionist?
Right off the bat, as mentioned earlier, you must be careful with who you pick, and the biggest aspect of that is their expertise level. You don’t want any old Joe Shmoe to get his hands on personal life, you’ve got to choose the right person for the job! Ask if they’re certified! Quick tip, most times if they are certified, you’ll be able to tell because they’ll have the letters NCIP immediately after their name.
Learn more about their education level, if they’ve worked with other organizations if any, how long ago their education was, and just general experience!
Experience with Similar Cases
If you feel uncomfortable with the idea of working with someone who hasn’t had experience with someone like your loved one, that may also be worth questioning. Let’s say for example if the person in question only has experience with, say, food addiction, but your issue was related to drugs or drinking. While some may be willing to accept that and trust in their expertise outside of that specific realm, if you’re not one of those people, there’s no harm in asking and finding someone who better suits your standards.
Heck, there may be more in play that complicates the situation. Maybe there’s a mental illness involved, unique negative habits or responses, trauma or abuse, all of these factors are what make the entire process of interventions delicate. You know your loved one best!
What Would Their Process Look Like?
While situational, processes for these sorts of things fall into a few categories. There are a few models that many deploy, such as the Johnson Model, the Tough Love Approach, the Confrontational Model, and so on, and there are also organization-wide processes. When it comes to interventionist searching, the latter often makes searches the most simple and reliable.
Take The Addiction Coach for example. They have a set program that is 100% transparent for anyone to look at on their website and gives clients a realistic expectation of the process. The interventionist you’d work with would make use of the abstinence and S.M.A.R.T Recovery models, be completely prepared for either remote or on-site intervention services, planning, and safe passage to treatment centers afterward, all to ensure the complete well-being of the person in question. This is great for a number of reasons! You know what to expect, you’re fully prepared, they go out of their way to make sure the family is educated on each aspect of the intervention, and they tackle the pesky aspect of follow-through afterward, which is often the hardest part. It’s easy to make promises to those you love, but it’s a lot harder to actually act on them.
If the process itself seems a bit overwhelming when you’re searching for the best candidate, reaching out to a place like The Addiction Coach is a fantastic idea. It provides a guiding light through the entire process, from planning to post-intervention, and it’s fantastic!
Finally, and most importantly, the cost is a major sticking point for many families, and there’s no harm in asking about it. It’s best to know exactly what you’re getting into and if it’ll be something you can handle. Often the biggest deal breaker in finding the right addiction interventionist is just a matter of if you can afford them, and that’s completely understandable! However, it’s always worth weighing the pros and cons in these situations. What is the potential benefit in seeking help for someone who has a very real problem, versus the impact the financial cost of an interventionist may have? It’s ultimately up to the individual to decide.