How do I get my loved one into treatment?
There are a few different steps in the entire recovery process from start to finish when it comes to ending an active addiction and maintaining sobriety. There is the step where the active addict realizes that their life is completely out of control and that they need to seek professional help. Then there is the step where one decides what type of help that they think is the best fit for their level or degree of addiction. These have a clinical term, we call it “Stages of Change”. Pre-Contemplation to Contemplation to actual Action can take a while, but sometimes it is quick and we have a window of opportunity to help the addicted loved one. Sometimes this Stage of Change wheel can be manipulated by utilizing a trained and certified Interventionist. Read on to see how we can help you.
There are two types of people who enter into some type of recovery based treatment or alternative to treatment. And those two types of people are those who voluntarily admit and realize that their life has become unmanageable and seek help or then there are those who need to be convinced to seek help. This group of addicts has blinders on. This group of addicts are “dancing on glass”. Never before has a decision meant “life or death” like this one and never before has a person’s decision had higher stakes. This is why a top certified interventionist is one of the most important people you can have on your team if you are offering a recovery based service or if you are an active addict yourself who needs a little convincing to seek help.
If you want to become a top certified Interventionist yourself, head over to our website and get information on our next class which is coming up on February 21-22. There are seats still available for our online webinar so get over to to get all the info you will need. Also, call us 24/7 at 1-800-706-0318. And, as always, head over to the website’s testimonial page and watch the hundreds our testimonials from those who have used The Addictions Academy to change their lives for the better.