Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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International Master Addictions Coach: Get the Next Level of Certification

International Master Addictions Coach

Get the next level of Certification. International Master Addictions Coach. Gain new credentials. Six full classes: Recovery Coaching I, Recovery Coaching II,  Gambling Addiction or Food Addiction Coaching, Anger Management and Life Coaching!

6 MONTHS OF WEEKLY CLINICAL SUPERVISION WITH TOP ADDICTION COACHES, ADDICTION THERAPISTS, GAMBLING COACHES, FOOD ADDICTION COACHES.. YOU WILL BE TRAINED BY THE BEST IN THE WORLD.  Why be average, be the best in the industry. Get trained today.  www.TheaddictionsAcademy.com or call 1.800.706.0318 Call today and get our $500 discount towards The International Master Addictions Coach program is waiting for you.  Check out the video below:



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