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Negative Thinking Patterns & Self-Sabotaging Behaviors. Guest Post by Alisha R. of XO, Faith



Negative Thinking Patterns & Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

Negative thinking patterns and self-sabotaging thoughts is a problem. Many people who have repetitive negative thinking patterns are also likely to engage in self-sabotaging behaviors. Someone who self-sabotages himself or herself will subconsciously go forward and prevent anything good from happening to him or her.

The best way to combat this particular issue is to use Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is where you identify your negative thought patterns, and then you replace your thoughts with possible positive alternatives. The benefit of this practice is that you will find yourself feeling better and less likely to self-sabotage your successes because you actually will have earned your success in life, no matter what it is!


Positive Affirmations

Another great way to combat the problem of negative thinking patterns and self-sabotaging behaviors is to use positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are the practice of repeating a statement to encourage positive thinking and self-empowerment, often to achieve a goal. This technique helps you overcome negative thinking and self-sabotaging behaviors. By using positive affirmations, you can become the person you want to be and achieve inner peace and happiness. Positive affirmations are said to be the backbone of positive change for people.


Depression and Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations remind you that you are in charge of your happiness. They can also boost your confidence and self-esteem, encouraging you to embrace the notion that it is possible to fulfill your goals and change. To improve your productivity, use positive affirmations to help yourself to complete a project. If you are stressed, this approach may also boost your problem-solving abilities. You might also want to use positive affirmations to help curb some of your frustrations or anger. This method can decrease your defensiveness against threatening information, allowing you to be more receptive about your mistakes. By participating in cognitive behavioral techniques, including the use of positive affirmations, you may experience a decrease in depressive symptoms and negative thinking.  Positive affirmations may be more effective when used in combination with an intervention program, such as cognitive psychotherapy.


How can positive affirmations help you physically?

For those who are sick or in pain, positive affirmations can positively impact your  life. After all, a negative attitude full of defeat and self-doubt can prevent you from making healthy behavioral and lifestyle changes. For example, positive affirmations may encourage you to eat a more nutritious diet or quit smoking. Also, this technique can calm your body’s reaction to stress, thereby activating the sympathetic nervous system rather than the parasympathetic nervous system. HIV and kidney patients on dialysis that participate in spiritual and psychological therapies, including the use of affirmations, may have an increased chance of survival.


How to incorporate positive affirmations in your life

Take a deep breath and visualize your goal. Next, clearly state your affirmation. You can keep it to yourself, or, if you are feeling confident, say it out loud. Notice any distracting thoughts and release the negativity from your mind. Repeat your affirmation several times as you continue to breathe. To solidify your affirmation, write down any helpful insights so that you can look at them again.


These positive and inspiring self-statements should not strongly conflict with your self-perception but should encourage you to fulfill your goals. Telling yourself something that you don’t believe might reinforce negative views and can lead to worsening the situation.

Powerful positive affirmations are in the present tense, are positive terms, are personally relevant and are full sentences and are something you can believe. Examples of powerful positive affirmations are:

  • I am strong.
  • I live a healthy lifestyle.
  • I can conquer any challenge.
  • I am confident and courageous.

Try to accept positive thoughts to cement your engagement in beneficial behaviors, rather than resisting them and then giving more energy to the negativity by thinking about it.

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What do you seek? Fulfillment, peace, passion, purpose, change? How do you access what you desire?

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