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Are Parents Creating Drug Addicts?

ADHD Medication Could Set Your Child Up For Drug Addiction As An Adult

Many doctors and psychologists are finally starting to agree that the diagnosis of ADHD in children is “over-used” and based on “fuzzy diagnostic practices”, as stated by Harvard psychologist and world leader in child development, Jerome Kagan.  In addition, Dr. Edward C. Hamlyn, a founding member of the Royal College of General  Practitioners, in 1998 stated, “ADHD is fraud intended to justify starting  children on a life of drug addiction.”

Here are the black-box warnings of the side effects of many ADHD and ADD medications:
– Confusion
–  Depersonalization
– Hostility
– Hallucinations
– Manic  reactions
– Suicidal ideation
– Loss of consciousness
–  Delusions
– Feeling drunk
– Alcohol abuse
– Homicidal  ideation
Why would parents subject their children to drugs with such  noted dangerous side effects?  What is this setting them up for as adults?


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