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Learn more about binge eating in this great article from MSN Health & Wellness, then register for our next Nutritional Recovery Coach webinar on June 23-24! 1.800.706.0318 ext.2
Here’s Why You Binge Eat at Night—And How to Stop
Ever find yourself staring into the fluorescent void of your fridge long past your bedtime, despite eating a full three meals a day? A recent study from researchers at Johns Hopkins University identified a “hunger hormone” that causes hunger levels to rise in the evening, especially in people prone to stress and binge eating. Published in the International Journal of Obesity, the researchers’ findings suggest that raiding the kitchen for midnight snacks is not simply a gluttonous self-indulgence, but an indicator of a larger problem.
“Our findings suggest that evening is a high-risk time for overeating, especially if you’re stressed and already prone to binge eating,” said study author Susan Carnell, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in a press release. “The good news is that having this knowledge, people could take steps to reduce their risk of overeating by eating earlier in the day, or finding alternative ways to deal with stress,” she continued.
Dr. Carnell and her team based their study off of previous research surrounding ghrelin, a hunger hormone that has been proven to rise in response to stress during daylight hours. Knowing that controlling urges to overeat becomes more difficult for many obese individuals and binge eaters at night, the researchers sought to compare participants’ hunger and stress hormones between day and night.
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