Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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Recovery Coaching Certification!!!

Learn How to Become a Professional Recovery Coach

Diversified Intervention Group and Master Therapist Cali Estes, have assembled the most comprehensive Recovery Coaching training available today, bar none.

General Training Information

Our team at Diversified Intervention Group is comprised of the top innovators & therapists in the country and we are pleased to offer the first Recovery Coaching Certification classes taught only by masters level Therapists who have been working in the industry for more than 15 years. Sign up early as space is limited.

Our comprehensive training packages are the first to be approved by CAADAC & CFAAP. Our CEU provider number: 2C-12-176-1214 and we are offering 16 CEUs for the Recovery Coaching course.
Come and join us for Recovery Coaching Training – For more information call today: 800-919-4546

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For more information on Recovery Coaching or Intervention Trainings call: 800-919-4546

The Three Levels of Recovery Coaching

Recovery Coach Level 1: Participants will gain an understanding of how to work with a client  in various settings: rehabs, homes, halfway houses. participants will understand all ethical considerations and boundaries of clients that need to be respected and honored in the course of working with them.  Marketing yourself and billing clients will be touched upon in this course. Passive and active listening and confidentiality issues will be addressed. 12 steps and meeting attendance and how to maintain your own sanity and sobriety while dealing with a client.

To pay for the Recovery Coaching training Click Here

Recovery Coach Level 2: Dealing with aggressive clients, out of control clients, clients in the Criminal Justice system and the upper elite/wealthy client. Handling unique and stressful family situations and how to present at functions will be addressed. When to say no to a client and how to terminate the relationships will be addressed. More in depth role play and unique and individual exercises that you can use with your clients to strengthen their sobriety and your work. Must Complete Level 1 first.

To pay for the Recovery Coaching training Click Here

Recovery Coach Level 3: All about marketing. How to network and market to have a full book of clients. Where to go, whom to connect with and how to keep the money coming in.
To pay for the Recovery Coaching training Click Here

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Learning is our business

The classroom experience will be electric and alive with learning! Participants will use break-out groups in actual mock Recovery Coaching situations. Participants will get a real feel for what it feels like to attempt to manage a difficult client who is out of control. Participants will be taught how to decipher the important differences between a Case Manager, Recovery Coach and a Sober Companion. We will dispel all of the myths and teach you real life situations in this course.

Students will learn the following skills:

  1. Evaluation of the proper clinical approach
  2. Analysis of correct Case Management Skills
  3. Clinical problem solving in unexpected situations
  4. Much, much more!

For more information call Toll Free: 800-919-4546

Training Dates & Locations

For more training dates & cities Click Here

A maximum of 28 students will be accepted for this course and seating is limited so sign up now. We recommend early registration to get the best seating. First come, first served.

Pricing for Training

Here is the pricing structure:

  • Recovery Coaching Training – 2 eight-hour days, 16+ hours – $999

To pay for the Recovery Coaching training Click Here

Included in the above course fees will be the following:

  • 2013 ISPRC Full course continuum course manual (printed)
  • 2013 California Recovery Resource Full Directory- The official directory of CAADAC (printed)
  • Continental breakfast/lite lunch sponsored by the venue where the trainings are held
  • Discounts offered by each hotel where the trainings are to be located

If you have any questions, please call toll free: 800-919-4546

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