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Sober Coach: Seasonal Affective Disorder can Blindside Your Recovery

Sober Coach: Seasonal Affective Disorder can Blindside Your Recovery

www.theaddictionscoach.com  1.800.706.0318


Sunlight makes everything OK! So this is what has become more and more obvious for me, a recovering addict. I thought that I had just gotten to the point where I had lived in a sunny location for so long that when I visit colder, darker places I feel depressed. And then the sun appears and everything feels OK. BUT, after hearing about SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) I started looking into my symptoms because my first impulse when feeling depressed is to NUMB! And we all know how destructive that can be. SAD is a real disorder for me as it takes a few days for me to adjust and not just want to sleep and NUMB OUT. My mood can be very somber and recluse like. The increased melatonin in my body can lead to acute depression, which in turn leads to drug use. I found that at https://theaddictioncoachonline.com/ their coaches are trained in SAD and are the nations best in helping you deal with this disorder. You can read more on how SAD can blindside your recovery at the following link http://alcoholrehab.com/addiction-recovery/seasonal-affective-disorder-in-recovery/

Cali Estes, Client Reports

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