Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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The SECRET to a Full Substance Abuse Treatment Center or Private Therapy Practice

The SECRET that keeps substance abuse treatment centers full and allows therapists private practices to flourish.

Cali Estes of The Addictions Coach and The Addictions Academy shares her insight:

“The number one question I get from drug and alcohol treatment facilities and individual therapists is how do I keep so busy and seem to always have a full practice?”  It is simple.  I’ll share the secret.  I recommend all treatment facilities certify their staff.  All of the call center and admin people along with all marketers should be certified in intervention.  The most successful rehabs put stock in their staff and makes sure they are Nationally Certified.

In terms of therapists and having a full private practice,  I recommend that all therapists cross that bridge into Coaching.  It is great to have clients that want to come see you and are fully cash pay.  As Recovery Coaches we are paid in advance and upfront, unlike therapy.  No need to fill out any insurance papers, or wait for months on payment.  Adding several versions of Coaching like Recovery Coaching, Gambling Addiction Coaching, Family Coaching and Food Addictions Coaching will increase your client base automatically.

Now, of course if you don’t need clients, please do not contact us!  We are only interested in helping you increase clients and adding credentials to your staff.  We can also  provide CEU’s through NAADAC.  Call us at 1.800.706.0318 or visit www.theaddictionsacademy.com

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