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Sports Addiction and The Dodgers’ Fans Plight

Sports Addiction and The Dodgers’ Fans Plight



Cali Estes discusses Sports Addiction with Chris Erskine of The LA Times in his article on The Dodgers and the frustration of the fans not being able to see the games on TV.  Although he takes a light-hearted approach to Cali’s input on Sports Addiction, she notes that this is an addiction on the rise, due in part to mobile devices, and the constant contact a fan can have with the game.  She points out that the telling trait is when your passion for your team crosses into other areas of your life:  finances, relationships, job.  She goes on to give tips of what an uber fan can do to lessen the severity of a sports addiction.

Sports Addiction can cause major problems in many areas of your life.   If you have season tickets to ALL the teams in your city, start fights in public with fans from another team, or have an entire wardrobe in only team colors, there’s a good chance you have a problem.

Find an addictions professional who can help you.  visit www.theaddictionscoach.com or www.theaddictionsacademy.com  or call Cali at 800.706.0318

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