Taking Classes at The Addictions Academy: Ron Cope Shares his Experience
Published on May 4, 2014
Ron Cope – Owner, Follow Through Recovery Coaching West Palm Beach, FL
“I wanted to become a Recovery Coach and I researched Recovery Coach and one thing came up, The Addictions Academy. I called Cali Estes and gave her my vision and she said she could help me become a Nationally Certified Recovery Coach. I took the Intervention class and she was very informative. She had patience with me and told me things to where I can understand them. We did role play. I did Recovery Coaching I and II and Intervention. Today I own my own business. It is called Follow Through Recovery Coaching. Cali and the Addictions Academy has given me the tools that I need so I can live out my dreams in helping out the addict or alcoholic that still suffers. If you are interested give Cali a call.”
Intervention Certification Program, Recovery Coach Training, Master Addictions Coach Certification, Gambling Addiction Coach Certification, Food Addiction Coach Certification, Case Management Training, Ethics Training, Life Coach Certification, Christian Coaching Program, Anger Management Training, Family Recovery Coach Certification and more. CEU’s through NAADAC. Board Approved. Accredited. Call today 1.800.706.0318 www.TheAddictionsAcademy.com