Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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The Addictions Academy: Train the Trainer and Increase your client base NOW!


Train the Trainer and Increase your client base NOW!

Train the Trainer and increasing your client Base! Are you ready for the Paradigm Shift in treatment? We are. Read on and call us to get more clients and Become a trainer of trainers!  Classes start in August for Intervention Train the Trainer. It is time EVERYONE can offer intervention training and AMA/APA blocking in private practice and in a treatment setting. 10 seats ONLY.  Classes for July are below to increase your client base NOW!

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Do you need more clients in your call center? A better approach to stop them from leaving? How about more accurate insurance billing? Or a Train the Trainer in house program to add more billable services?That is our specialty.The number one goal of a detox, residential treatment center, PHP, or IOP is to fill the beds with quality candidates that need your services. This is where most places struggle to maintain a census of appropriate candidates. You hire marketers, developers, lead generation services, dabble in the AdWords game and spend thousands of dollars to get the phone to ring. After all that money out and hard work, a lot of clients are lost because your staff has not been trained properly. There are four main areas that effect your bottom line.
The Addictions Academy and Rehab Rescue can offer you an increase in your client base, help fill your beds, and increase client retention. Call us today at 1.800.706.0318 to schedule your free assessment of your Marketing, Call Center Admissions Team, Utilization Review and how to decrease your AMA/APA (leaving early).  We offer an industry formalized training onsite, on demand(pre recorded) or via webinar training.
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AMA/APA Reduction
(leaving early) Training (Intervention on the spot!) July 1st. get your team Trained! 
We have analyzed what marketing strategies work and which ones are simply a waste of time. During our research we have learned that the Treatment Center staff is rarely trained in specific AMA/APA blocking techniques and thus a large portion of clients are leaving early. If you are relying on your BHT staff to block a client, you are mistaken. You need trained staff to stop the leaving early. This creates more work for the already overtaxed staff and less generation of revenue. We have created a program to lessen the AMA and APA rate and allow the staff to focus their attention on the treatment and clinical aspects of the process.

We have developed a training program that crosses clinical verbiage and retention techniques to improve the AMA/APA rate of your Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Team. We will analyze the systems you have in place, meet your staff, and train them on both clinical terminology and closing retention tactics. The relationship that is built with the client pre treatment and during treatment is crucial to the success of that client and your center. A happy, sober client is worth 4-10 referrals. An unhappy client is worth 40 negative reviews. Can you stand to lose 40 potential clients in this competitive market? To see more CLICK HERE

*Learning the Proper Language to use to end the AMA/APA.

*How to build rapport with the client before during and after the intervention process.

*How to refer out and build referrals with partner Centers.

*Key Questions to ask the person to stop the AMA/APA.

*Increase Return on Investment (ROI).

*Handling the angry and obstinate client.

*Proper use of Assessment Tools.

*Service Coordination for Client Retainment.

*Objections 101.

*Reducing the AMA and APA Rate from the beginning, not just in crisis.

*Overcoming Objections to Treatment.

*Dealing with the desire to ‘just get high”.

*Handling guilt, remorse and self sabotaging behaviors.

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Call Center Training July 3rd. Get your Admissions Team trained properly to close more clients and MORE Appropriate Clients!
You need a training program that crosses clinical verbiage and sales techniques to improve the closing ratio of your Admissions Call Center Team. Have you analyzed the systems you have in place, and trained them on both clinical terminology and sales closing tactics? Relying on a person that went through your program with 6 months clean is not going to close deals.
The client’s first contact with your treatment center is your Admissions Call Center Team and if the process goes smoothly the client will arrive at your center. The relationship that is built with the client pre treatment, during admission and post admission is crucial to the success of that client and your center. A happy, sober client is worth 4-10 referrals. An unhappy client is worth 40 negative reviews. Can you stand to lose 40 potential clients in this competitive market? To see More CLICK HERE

*Screening for the appropriate Candidate.

*Learning the Proper Language to use to close the deal and get the client in the door for Assessment.

*How to screen the Admission Call Center Staff for a proper fit in your organization

*How to refer out and build referrals with partner Centers

*Key Questions to ask the person on the other end of the phone.

*Pre Qualification of the client in the proper steps to ensure placement.

*Secrets your Call Center Staff should be doing in their ‘down time’ to increase call volume.

*Increase Return on Investment (ROI)

*Handling the crisis call.

*Handling the angry and obstinate client.

*Proper use of Assessment Tools

*Service Coordination for Client Retainment

*Reducing the AMA and APA Rate from the beginning

*Understanding Stark Law

*Clarifying Expectations of Treatment and of the Client

*Criminal Justice Clients, paperwork and the system

*Dealing with the Angry Client

*Overcoming Objections to Treatment

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Train the Trainer
Our newest product is our signature Train the Trainer Program. We will develop a specific  training package for your staff. We will train the trainer in Recovery Coaching and Intervention.
Call for times, locations and dates. We have an ongoing class or can custom the class to train your staff.

*Increase retention rate
*Increase Billable hours
*Strengthen your team
*Offer more services

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Utilization Review Training 

Is your team leaving money on the table? Not accessing the proper benefits or scheduling the calls to pre cert?  We can help. We have a training for that!


Call us today at 1.800.706.0318 to schedule your training in any of these areas and start getting the ROI you deserve from your hard work.

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