Dr. Cali Estes - The Addiction Coach ®

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The Addictions Coach: Are there Alternatives to Traditional Treatment and Detox Centers?

Have you or a loved one been in and out of treatment centers? Are you losing hope that you will ever be free from your addiction? The Addiction Coach has found a solution!  Our Sober on Demand ™ Service is a successful alternative to traditional treatment.


Imagine taking one of the nation’s few truly acclaimed addiction treatment centers, pulling out the pieces that work, and literally condensing their 28-day residential and drug rehab program into an express, private and on-demand 3 to 10-day plus private wrap-around unique experience in real time in the comfort of your own environment. Whether a globally traveled executive, someone in the limelight requiring added discretion and oversight, or maybe even the college kid on the brink of all-out addiction but without any time or freedom to spare, this is a truly encapsulating and highly effective and unique approach to the current addiction treatment! Concierge, tailed specifically to our unique needs. Consider this your jump start on life. Dr. Cali Estes and her team offer a concierge mobile service to assist the individual in getting to the root cause of the problems.  

Learn more about Sober on Demand or call a member of our elite sober coach team at 1.800.706.0318

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