The Top 6 Addictions and How to Conquer Them
We all know that addiction comes in many forms. Sometimes people have multiple addictions and are cross addicted to different things. These are the top 6 addictions and how you can conquer your vices in these situations.
“For the past 10 years, we have helped hundreds of people just like you overcome the vice that holds them back from hitting the next level in life. We teach coping skills, life skills, trigger management, and how to get ‘Unstuck’ and release the demons and vices that hold you back from creating the best version of yourself. You are unique and you deserve a program that is tailored to your individual needs.
We treat issues like Substance use Disorder differently, we subscribe to the notion that:
Addiction is NOT your problem; it is your solution to a problem.”
-Dr Cali Estes, MCAP, ICADC, Founder
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Drugs and alcohol can take over and ruin your life. It is important to have help when you need it and with someone that has experienced what you are going through. Recovery coaches and sobriety coaches can be a great asset when you need accountability, lifestyle management, assistance with triggers and even setting new coping skills in place. At The Addictions Coach, we have the top addiction recovery coaches and sober companions standing by to assist you.
Food and Eating Disorders
Sugar is the most addictive drug on the planet and most people struggle with food and eating issues. It can be overeating, stuffing, emotional eating or even a chemical addiction (sugar detoxes in the body like heroin) and is the most addictive substance as it is legal and cheap. Our food addiction and nutritional coaches can assist you with overeating, eating as punishment or escape, and even hidden eating disorders.
Video Game Addiction
Video game addiction can be a serious addiction that is accompanied by drug addiction or other mental health issues. Gamers can get stuck in the online world, lose touch with reality, and have trouble socializing and holding work. Most video gamers have little to no social life, social skills and have trouble accessing reality from fantasy. Our certified internet and video game addiction coaches can assist with all these issues and help you or your loved one move forward in life.
Social Media Addiction
Apps like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram are highly addictive and can lead to depression, anxiety, and mental health issues if not addressed and screen time reduced. Our certified and insured technology addiction coaches can address the problematic issues around social media apps and how to break that connection for a fuller, more productive life.
Technology Addiction
Tech addiction for most executives is causing anxiety and fear around losing their jobs. Workers are expected to constantly be checking text, emails, and providing almost instant follow up and feedback to staff and clients. The fear of losing their job stems from not providing the value and content and not engaging fast enough, as the workplace now emphasizes that you can be replaced if you cannot keep up the pace. Are you an executive that is drinking to cope with the stress and pressure of work, brought on by the constant expectations of being 24/7 available? We can help.
Shopping Addiction
Shopping addiction can interfere with your daily life. Amazon Prime and Instacart have strengthened the shopping addiction by offering delivery within hours of any items you may need, and many items you do not. Our certified addiction coaches will address any latent shopping, hoarding, or buying issue you have to ‘fill the void’ or even replace another addiction you gave up.
Our programs at The Addictions Coach and Sober on Demand are available by phone/Zoom or in person to help you handle any situation that you encounter.
Sober on Demand can get to the root cause of all of these addictions and more and help you to conquer it. Whether you are seeking help for addictions of your own, of a loved one, or looking to become a coach, Sober on Demand has you covered. Learn more at or
If you have a passion for helping others The Addictions Academy is the foremost virtual training school for addiction recovery classes and training programs. Call our admissions team today! 1.800.706.0318 ext 2