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What do I do after treatment?

What do I do after treatment?

So you have battled through your addiction and made it through treatment. Now what? So you ask yourself, “What do I do after treatment”? This is the point of no return for some recovering addicts. This is the point where so addicts think they have everything under control and that treatment was “good enough”. This is where some recovering addicts make the mistake of a lifetime and a lot of times it has deadly consequences! Recovery maintenance is extremely important after treatment and who you chose to help you is just as important. There are a lot of options for recovering addicts when it comes to aftercare so you need to assess your specific needs, strengths, and weaknesses before you make a choice on who helps you stay clean and sober.

We at The Addictions Coach has the best aftercare programs in the addictions industry. Our success rates are predominantly higher than other aftercare programs and let me take a moment to explain why. The Addictions Coach has the only structured aftercare program in real time and its called Launch Pad and Launch Pad Express. Launch Pad and Launch Pad Express focuses on the issues that keep you at your “stuck point” in life. Its good for the classic individual who can’t deal with life on life’s terms. Launch Pad helps you focus on and achieve short term and long term goals in your new sober life. Launch Pad also helps you uncover hidden goals and passions in life that create a strong purpose and need for sobriety and focus. Launch Pad also focuses on nutrition and fitness so that you get your physical body on par with your mental and psychological body.

These are just a few of the focal points of The Addiction Coach’s aftercare program called Launch Pad. So do yourself the favor of a lifetime and head over to our website at TheAddictionsCoach.com or call 1-800-706-0318 and get all the information you need on our Launch Pad and Launch Pad Express programs to give your life after treatment the best possible chance for success. Remember, the difference between The Addictions Coach and other programs is that we tailor your care specifically to you and your strengths and weaknesses as well as your passions in life. Contact us today!

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