What is an Alternative to Drug treatment?
Is your world closing in on you from the cycle of addiction? Have you finally realized that you cannot go on living this insane lifestyle? It looks like it’s time to pay the piper and clean your life up and do away with this destructive lifestyle fueled by addiction. So what is stopping you from making the best decision of your life? I can answer that for you if you give me a moment of your time. What usually stops and actively using drug addict from reaching out for help and stopping the mad distractive cycle of drug addiction is the fear of losing everything in the process. People fear that if they check into a residential drug rehabilitation facility they will lose their job, the roof over their head and, quite possibly, their loved ones. And let me tell you that that fear is real because employers are not holding jobs for their employees for 60 days or 90 days of residential drug treatment. The electric company is not going to keep your lights on while you complete drug rehabilitation. And I am right there with you, who is going to put food in your children’s stomachs while you are 90 days deep into a residential rehabilitation program?
What if I told you there is a way to keep your job, keep the lights on and keep your finances in order so that your loved ones that you are responsible for can continue to eat while you seek help. Let me turn you on to sober coaching and Sober on Demand. First of all, sober coaching is quickly becoming the treatment path of choice for recovering drug addicts. The success rate for recovering addicts who have used sober coaches is far better than those who don’t. Sober coaches come to you, in your location, instead of you throwing your hands in the air and checking in to a drug rehabilitation program. After a careful evaluation, you would be paired with the perfect top certified sober coach. From that point on the certified sober coach will accompany you to job functions, social functions and family functions all the while teaching you spur of the moment and hands-on skills to produce at the best of your ability while becoming clean and sober and staying clean and sober. A sober coach can work with you through Skype a few hours a day or through 24/7 live in treatment where the sober coach never leaves your side for a certain period of time.
This all depends on the results of your evaluation. There is also SOBER ON DEMAND which is a great alternative to traditional drug and alcohol treatment. We can do in 5-8 hours what a drug and alcohol inpatient facility can do in 30 days. Sound different? It is and it works. Sober on Demand Coaches go on movie sets, cruises, sporting events, music tours and much more! At The Addictions Coach Top Recovery Coaches and Life Coaching for Drug and Alcohol Addiction 1 -800-706-0318 we offer both certified sober coaches and Sober On Demand So call us today to get information on all of our programs that we have to offer. Also, click on the website link above and watch the hundreds of testimonial videos from those who have used The Addictions Coach to change their lives for the better.