Concierge Private Retreat in Miami, Florida
A Unique 3-10 Day Plus Alternative to Substance Abuse Rehab and Drug and Alcohol Treatment –
Concierge Private Retreat in Miami.
100% Customized & Confidential
Imagine taking one of the nation’s few truly acclaimed addiction treatment centers, pulling out the pieces that work, and literally condensing their 28-day residential and drug rehab program into an express, 3 to 10-day+ private wrap-around unique coaching experience in real time in the comfort of a lavish hotel or villa in Miami, Florida. You will work one on one with Dr. Cali Estes to get to the root cause of the blocks that are stopping you from achieving your next level. Whether it is drugs and alcohol, gambling, gaming, sex addiction/porn, or other issues, Dr. Cali and her team will help you get to the root cause of the blocks and start placing the tools you need to succeed in the area of your life that is holding you hostage.
We offer this 3 – 10 day+ express, Concierge Retreat to those struggling with drug addictions, alcohol addictions, sex addictions, food addictions, gambling addictions and dual-diagnosis disorders. Our top CEO’s, celebrities, sports figures, and anyone that needs a retreat from life use us exclusively for their needs. This is not inpatient or residential treatment. This is an alternative to those programs that is tailored directly to the client, with no groups, concierge style and in a luxury setting.
Call our elite team at 1.800.706.0318