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When It’s More Than Just A Lack Of Motivation; Helping Your Adult Child With Failure-To-Launch Syndrome

When It’s More Than Just A Lack Of Motivation; Helping Your Adult Child With Failure-To-Launch Syndrome

What do you do when your 20-something or 30-something adult child is still living with you, without contributing to any of the household chores, or expenses? They spend most of their time lying around the house, watching TV or playing video games, expecting you to continue caring for them the same way you did when they were an actual child!   What can you as parents do?  Read on to learn the best way to help your child go from dependent to self-reliant and Independent!  failure-to-launch

What Causes Failure to Launch? The answer is multifaceted and dependent on the individual client’s personal situation. Examples include but are not limited to: lack of coping skills and mechanisms, overly protective parents that tend to fix their child’s mistakes, influence from friends/peers, lack of resources and more. Dr. Cali Estes gets to the root cause of the issues, and solves the core problems, to create a new life for the Failure-to-Launch client.

“My approach to helping those struggling with Failure-to-Launch involves a process creating a new reality. A reality which is built around the client’s persona, abilities and passions. Simultaneously, I assist my client in learning accountability, maturity, patience and the ability to recognize healthy opportunities. My focus is on finding a long-term solution, using a highly integrative process, proven to be tremendously successful.”

Learn more about Failure to Launch Syndrome and how Dr. Cali Estes and her elite team can help you and your family!  Call to talk to our team today!  1.800.706.0318

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