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Dr. Cali Estes Discusses Rehab Centers, Marketing & More on AMA The Rehab Marketing Show

Dr. Cali Estes Discusses Rehab Centers, Marketing & More on AMA The Rehab Marketing Show.

AMA the rebab marketing show

Join Dr. Cali Estes as she discusses rehab centers, marketing and why treatment centers are failing and getting caught patient brokering. Take a listen today!

Dr. Cali Estes on Connecting with Addiction Intakes | AMA Episode 1

By Linkmedia 360 | Jan 22nd, 2019

As an addiction recovery professional, you certainly understand the potential negative consequences when intakes go against medical advice.

How about your addiction treatment center? Does it ever go against marketing advice?

Our guest on this episode of Against Marketing Advice is Dr. Cali Estes.

The AMA Way: Insights Rehab Marketers and Owners Need to Know

Our expert guest today is Dr. Cali Estes. Dr. Cali is a founder, addiction coach, published author, consultant, and marketing strategist for the addiction industry. Her well-rounded expertise helps rehabs solve unique business problems to reach their true potential.

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