The Addictions Coach Dr. Cali Estes recently announced the Addictions Academy is now offering a coaching certification program to address the growing number of “lost” and “stuck in life” young adults who lack direction and motivation.

Dr. Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach and Founder of The Addictions Academy confirmed they have a unique Coaching Certification program designed to train professionals so the can help parents and clients find structure, accountability, motivation, social skills, and more to help young adults who may be unable to find a direction in life which sufficiently motivates them into action.

The term Failure to Launch Syndrome has surfaced and it describes the early adult (up to 40s even) that is still living at home, working sporadic jobs (or unemployed), and sometimes hooked on video games or drugs and alcohol. The parents are not sure what to do, but the enabling has gotten out of hand. Some parents not only provide lodging and pay their son/daughter’s rent, their car payment and provide spending money, but they also come over and clean, cook, and do all the laundry.

Estes said, “We all know the classic example of the 30-something living in Mom & Dad’s basement and working at the local pizza parlor, or the 28-year-old college drop-out who’s thrown in the towel on the prospect of education and success.”

“We call it Failure-to-Launch Syndrome, and it is a surprisingly common condition we see, of which is most often seen among those having been raised in more affluent households.”

What causes this? Is it a matter of maturity or lack thereof? Is it simply a matter of being “stuck in life,” with no direction or answers? Is it maybe somehow related to a mental health condition like depression or bipolar disorder?

The reality is that Failure-to-Launch is often the culmination of several variables in life. One unique component Dr. Estes sees, however, is that many times these individuals were at one point driven in their lives, with goals and aspirations. Yet for whatever reason, they are now in a decade-long rut that has them still siphoning off others in their life.

“Our approach to helping those struggling with Failure-to-Launch is largely about creating a new reality, a reality that is built around the client’s persona, abilities and/or passions, yet while effectively integrating it all within the realms of responsibility, maturity, patience, recognizing opportunities and so much more,” explained Dr. Estes.

She continued, “It is entirely about long-term solutions and success.”

Learn more about The Addictions Academy and all the courses we offer.